
Here’s what we have planned for Dashify!

Have a suggestion or want to vote for one of these? Let us know on the forums, or submit your request here if you don’t have a account.

Up next

Things we plan to add to Dashify in the near future.

Number of search results

In the order list search results, see the total number of matches for that query.

Restyled top admin bar

WordPress branding will be removed, and store actions like search and recent activity will be quickly accessible.

Recent store activity feed

Get a feed of what’s been happening on your store. Orders, admin user actions, and everything else.

Restyled coupons list & edit

Restyled WooCommerce settings

Restyled product edit page

Although WooCommerce has a new product editor in beta, Dashify will restyle the existing one for a uniform look throughout the dashboard.

Search products from any admin page

Dashify’s quick search will let you search not just orders, but products too.

Search all WooCommerce settings

Don’t know where to find something in all the tabs? Search for the setting you want to change.

Working on

What we’re building now.

Sort order items by menu order

You’ll be able to sort the line items in a customer’s order by the same custom sort you’ve set in the WooCommerce product list.

Order duplication

Intuitive order duplication that lets you choose which information to copy to the new order.


What’s been completed.

Search orders by SKU

Find orders that have a certain product SKU through the Dashify Pro global search.

Search orders by customer name, email, or phone

From the global search in Dashify Pro, find orders by these customer details.

Bulk actions support for third-party plugins

Dashify’s floating bulk actions will show actions from any third-party plugin. Plus, they will be shown in the chosen admin language, not only English.

Compatibility with Admin Menu Editor

The Dashify WooCommerce-focused navigation will allow changes to be made through the Admin Menu Editor plugin, and it will respect existing configuration.

Restyled product list

The “All Products” page in WooCommerce will have the same modern and convenient styling as the order list.

WooCommerce-focused admin navigation

Making it modern and ecommerce-focused! WooCommerce pages such as orders will be made more prominent. You’ll be able to turn this off if it doesn’t suit the store.


Things Dashify users have suggested but that we don’t have plans to do yet.

View orders from all stores in a WordPress multisite installation

Through a single interface, you’d be able to see orders across all WooCommerce stores in a multisite network.

Widget for a table of orders in shopper-facing pages

It would be similar to WooCommerce Order List Table for Elementor, but not only for Elementor.