AJAX search for WooCommerce orders

Dashify Pro adds a fast, global order search to the WordPress admin toolbar. Get live results instantly. Search by order ID, name, email, phone, or product SKU.

Screenshot of the WordPress admin dashboard, with a popup search appearing over the dashboard that shows a result showing for a searched query, along with a few recent orders. The ID, status, name, and date of the orders are previewed.

In WooCommerce, each time you search an order, the whole page refreshes, which can be slow. Dashify’s global search gives you instant results.

No matter where you are in the WordPress admin, you can open the search from the admin toolbar.

Find which orders contain a certain product SKU.

Type an order ID and see the status, customer name, and order date.

Find orders matching a billing or shipping name. Match on first name, last name, or both.

Find orders matching a customer’s email.

Find orders matching a customer’s phone number.

Jump to order edit page

Clicking on a result takes you directly to the order edit page.

View recent orders

The search window shows the most recent 3 orders, which you can click on to see more details.

Keyboard shortcut

Open the search with the ⌘/ctrl + k keyboard shortcut and begin searching right away.

Mobile friendly

The search window fits well on small screens and mobile devices.

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