Show billing and shipping addresses in the WooCommerce order list

Published by John Jago


In this post, I’ll show you how to display the customer’s billing address and shipping address in the table of orders. This doesn’t require writing any code or installing any plugins.

The not so obvious Screen Options

It may not be obvious at first, but the WooCommerce orders page has a button called Screen Options which allows you to change which columns are shown in the order table.

By default, the shipping and billing address columns are turned off.

To turn them on, click the Screen Options to open them. Then, check the boxes to show the billing address, shipping address, or both.

Screenshot of the WooCommerce order list without address columns.

Screenshot of the WooCommerce order list with address columns.

That’s it! Now you can see the address without clicking into the order. As a bonus, you can also click the shipping address to see it on Google Maps.

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